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Reuse materials to facilitate landfill diversion. Rebuild communities by strengthening capacity of local residents. Restore lives by teaching trade skills to help people secure a living wage.
We provide a place and framework for collaboration that can evolve with the demands of time, and promote entrepreneurship among traditionally disinvested populations.
We involve designers and trade apprentices working side by side to increase understanding of social issues in the communities where they live and serve.
We work with new and used materials in nontraditional ways to tangibly elevate the way we think about and act upon full cycle sustainability.
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Our space is a community workshop, job training facility, and fabrication center for value added products ranging from furniture to buildings. It is a partnership between three non-profits who are leveraging their assets to have greater collective impact in the communities where we work. Products and housing prototypes developed at PROJECT RE_ will be used to sustain the center and fund future community outreach projects.
Crucial to the success of our mission is the creation of community-based entrepreneurship models that emerge from programming offered at and products created through PROJECT RE_. Community partners and members of the three organizations maintain a vested interest in the mass production and marketing of developed prototypes.